Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The end of 2005

2005 is just about over and I can honestly say I will be glad when it is gone. This year has been a roller coaster ride of emotions and I really need to get off!

We have had some very cool and exciting things happen at the store, the biggest being the opening of our EK Success "Shoppe within a Store" back in August. We were selected by EK Success as one of the 6 test stores for this new marketing and merchandising concept and we had a fabulous grand opening. That success did not come without work, however. The weeks of mayhem leading up to it had us all on edge and in need of a deep Margarita. Here is the result:

My personal life on the other hand was full of trajedy and I'm looking forward to better times ahead. The year began with my father in treatment for lung cancer and in April he lost that battle. I am truly thankful for my wonderful staff who made sure that I didn't have to worry about the business during that time. In August, we were stunned by the murder of a family friend, Anne Caro. Anne was killed in her home in Mansfield on her birthday and the case has yet to be solved.

So when I say good-bye to 2005, I will be very happy. Here's to the new year!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Congrats on creating a blog, Deb. Found your link on 2Peas. Will be back to read more.

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